Sunday, October 7, 2012


Last week I was invited by one of my friends at school to go to a workout with the United States Marines at the recruiting center. Being the reborn "fitness junkie" that I've become I thought to myself, "Self, you should go to this because the Marines are some of the best." I'm still debating whether going to that workout was one of the best or worst decisions I've made in my physical life.

The workout started out fairly easy: as many pullups as you're physically capable of, maximum amount of situps in two minutes, the basics. Then came the one point six mile jog around the area. Which wouldn't have been too bad except that it was steaming outside, I was stupid and was wearing jeans, and I can't run worth crap. If that wasn't bad enough, combine it with five hundred body squats with well over an equal amount of lunges. Have any of you ever experienced that? After about two hundred or so, you eventually just recognize that the pain is there and that it's going to stay there. The only remedy is to keep going and deal with it. Oh and once you've finished those, you have to push a car from one end of the parking lot and back...TWICE!

Okay so I may be oversensationalizing it just a tinge. But I really did all of that in jeans and a T-shirt (a mistake I will not duplicate in the future) and survived. Do you know how much stronger my legs got just in that one workout? I swear every single bit of fat that wasn't necessary for cellular integrity was just completely obliterated off my thighs (again, a bit exaggerated). But while it was hard, I think that's why I liked it so much. I love that feeling after you get done working out because it feels like you've actually done something other than lay around all day watching TV or playing computer games (which I do way too much of already).Not only do you get that sort of high after you're done, but it feels amazing to have that adrenaline pumping through your entire body just pumping you up for what's to come, not to mention the eventual results that come from working out. I guess what I learned from this whole experience was two things, one of which you can take away from. One, the Marines are freaking crazy. Two, choosing to work out with them has probably been the best thing for my health I ever did.
WC: 425

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