Sunday, April 7, 2013

StarCraft 15th Anniversary Celebration: The Story Part 2

Before I continue with the StarCraft epic, I should note that when I wrote the first part it actually was the fifteenth anniversary of the release of the original StarCraft. Now on with the story!

In the aftermath of the battle, the Aiur protoss to the dark templar homeworld of Shakuras where Zeratul offered them shelter. The peace did not last long, however, as Kerrigan appeared and demanded to speak with the matriarch, Raszagal. She sought the help of the protoss refugees to destroy a new Overmind being formed by remaining cerebrates. After she was able to convince them that she was no longer a killer and that she would revert if the Overmind was formed, Raszagal agreed to her proposal. Many of the protoss, Zeratul included, had high suspicions of Kerrigan and her ambitions, particularly after discovering her true motives. Ultimately, as part of her plan to take over the Swarm herself, she used the protoss to eliminate a potential threat to her rule before departing the planet entirely. The protoss then had no choice but to activate an ancient xel'naga temple to annihilate the invading zerg and leaving much of the planet's surface barren.

While the two alien species were doing battle, there was a unification of sorts back on planet Earth. As it would turn out, they had been watching the events taking place and formed a new government known as the United Earth Directorate. The UED had been monitoring their progress and decided, with the always present alien threat, that intervention by their hands. Through this surveillance, they also concluded that they could control the zerg and set out to control the newly forming Overmind on Char. They set out to establish a staging point on Braxis where they were met by fighters of the Confederate Resistance led by Samir Duran. They teamed up to destroy the Dominion, starting by breaking their foothold in the capital city of Braxis. They recovered several weapons diagnostics and readouts that allowed them to lead a successful assault on the Dylarian Shipyards where much of the Dominion's battlecruisers were docked. The UED then used their new additions to crush the capital city of the Dominion, Augustgrad, on Korhal IV and forced a parley. Not too long after Mengsk's fleet was surrounded, Jim Raynor and a small protoss fleet arrived and rescued him from the UED. Jim made it clear it was only because a "mutual acquaintance" wanted him alive. Raynor made off with the emperor, but the UED was not discouraged. The assault on Char was successful and, using powerful neurostims, captured control of the Swarm.

This in addition to the psi disruptor, a device that prevented Kerrigan fromtaking control of other rogue broods, gave the UED a major advantage over the Queen of Blades. However, Kerrigan had foreseen this and contacted Jim Raynor, enlisting his and the protoss' help to rescue Mengsk and his dwindling fleet. Kerrigan then struck a bargain with the emperor; if he lent his psi emitters to her, she could amass an army to destroy the psi disruptor and gain enough power to reinstate Mengsk and eliminate the UED threat on Korhal. The plan went off without a hitch as the UED were driven off the planet the Dominion was reestablished in Augustgrad.

Kerrigan assembled her massed forces and, with the advisory of revealed spy Samir Duran, attacked Terran settlements across the sector. When Mengsk denounced her, she merely justified it as revenge for the pain he had caused her back on Tarsonis. After much fighting, Raynor fled swearing that some way, somehow, he would kill Kerrigan to pay for her crimes.

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