Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, Naal Ok Zin Los Vahriin

If you remember my post about Assassin's Creed, "ASSASSINO!!!!" then you may have figured out that I like to play a lot of video games. Well, I guess technically they're computer games, but that's irrelevant to the point. One game in particular has eaten up a large chunk of my time over about two years (two hundred and sixty hours to be exact) and continues to bring me enjoyment after beating the main aspects of the game. It is the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series, but most people just call it Skyrim. You start the game as a prisoner about to be executed for pretty much no reason at all by the Imperials. They put your head on the chopping block when a dragon appears out of nowhere, knocking the executioner down and leaving you to escape with a Nordic man named Ralof and the Jarl of the city of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak. After fleeing from the execution block, you choose to either go with Ralof or Hadvar, one of the men overseeing your execution, and eventually end up in a small town known as Riverwood. From there, you must find out why the dragons are returning and face the strongest of them all, Alduin the World-Eater. In addition to this, you have your choice of joining various factions such as the mysterious band of assassins known as the Dark Brotherhood, the notorious Thieves Guild, the mage's College of Winterhold, and the group of werewolf warriors known as the Companions, each one with their own set of quests. On top of that, the combat system allows for a very wide variety of play styles customizable to your preferences.
WC: 280

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