Sunday, October 21, 2012

Drunk in a Lego House

You've all heard the saying that gingers have no soul right? I mean, we all have that friend who has bright orange hair, skin as white as a ghost and says things you double take at every once in a while. Often times, they're not afraid to voice truths or opinions, regardless of other's feelings. While these qualities can be both harsh and intriguing, not all gingers exemplify the soullessness of them. In fact, one of the greatest counterexamples a wonderful musician and singer (that bears an uncanny resemblance to famed actor Rupert Grint playing Ron Weasley from the ever popular Harry Potter series).His name is Ed Sheeran and just by listening to his music, it's easy to tell he's not your (stereo)typical soulless ginger. He has an amazing voice, only complimented by his British accent bleeding through his lyrics, which in and of themselves are filled with symbolism and analogous comparisons. As such comparisons, I'd like to direct your attention to the following examples.

The first song that I'm referring to is a song called "Lego House." To me, the whole song is talking about relationship that went wrong and trying to fix said relationship. This is stated at the beginning when he sings, "I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house." The lyrics continue in the same line to say that if things don't go well again, they can just "knock it down" and either start over or go their separate ways. He says he does everything for her and will protect her, or "keep her sheltered from the storm" as the song goes on to say. In the chorus he talks about how all the things he has done for her, he loves her even more. My favorite lines of the song are those that make up the second verse; "I'm gonna paint you by numbers and color you in, if things go right we can frame it and put you on a wall. And it's so hard to say it, but I've been here before so I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours." I think when he talks about painting her, he's referring to hanging out and going on dates with her and if all goes swimmingly they can "frame" their relationship. The second part of it tells how telling her how he feels may be hard, but he's willing to take a risk again by "surrendering" his heart. One reason I really like this verse is because in the video (which you can watch above) Ed, played by Rupert Grint, is playing with Lego's and builds a helicopter earlier on. When he sings "swap it for yours," he drops it, sending it hurtling to the ground and shattering on impact, symbolizing the risk he's taking.

The second song, called "Drunk," is a little more somber. Actually, it is a lot more somber. Whereas the above song talks about fixing a relationship, this song is more about a completely unfix-able relationship and how he wants to essentially just get drunk, and maybe have a one-night stand just to fill the hole that she left.
A great line that illustrates this is when he sings "I wanna hold your heart in both hands, not watch it fizzle at the bottom of a Coke can." It both shows how much he really wants to be with this girl and how badly she hurt him when she left.
WC: 504

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