Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friends and Our Everchanging Lives Together

Has anyone out there ever watched a show called Friends? You know, starring Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox and David Schwimmer? Not ringing any bells you say? Well then stay home and watch some TV for once because it's one of the best shows I've ever watched. I grew up watching the show and continue to watch it, still laughing at episodes I've seen, quite literally, dozens of times. I'd like to bring attention to a certain episode about two of the friends in particular. For those that have seen it or do watch it, you may recall the episode where Joey starts dating a girl named Kathy, whom Chandler meets at the coffee shop. He instantly becomes infatuated with her, despite the fact that she's dating his best friend. Now this plot is used quite often in other shows and movies for both younger and more adult audiences. But that's because it gives it a sense of relatability.

A few months ago, I was watching this exact episode and it really got me thinking about a few questions in particular. "What would happen if you fell in love with your best friend's girlfriend? What would you do? Would you try to get over her or just wait patiently? If you waited, what would you do if they remained together? What if you couldn't get over her?" I asked myself all of these, trying to answer them in the best way possible, even searching for answers from some of my friends (who probably did not appreciate late night texts at eleven/twelve at night).I thought about it for a long while, losing countless hours of sleep that I really don't even need anyway, brainstorming things that I could do if this situation ever happened to me. To be truthfully honest, I have no idea what I would do in the predicament previously placed before my private mind. But there was something that helped me to get through the entire ordeal. That one thing has been there all my life and has improved (most) everything over time for me. I turned to what I always turn to in times like this and that was music.

The song that I listened to a lot when pondering this plot of questions was called "Everchanging" by Rise Against. It may not have been intended for how I interpreted it, but I guess that is the beauty of ambiguity in the meaning of a song. The line that really caught my attention in the entirety of the song goes, "There's nothing simple when it comes to you and I, always something in this ever-changing life." This line really spoke to me because it effectively illustrates the relationship between you and the person dating your friend, especially if they knew that you liked them. Life is ever-changing and there's nothing anyone can do about it, but that's what life is all about. Sometimes, you just need to suck it up and deal with it and that's exactly what I learned while thinking about all of this.
WC: 492

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