Sunday, September 16, 2012


Up until now, I've been talking about all these fantastic rock bands that you really ought to listen to. But if you recall from my first post, rock isn't the only type of music I listen to. There are at least a dozen other different genres out there that I also listen to and even more subsets of genres to add to that. And due to recent events, I've started taking breaks from rock to listen those other genres.
A few days ago, I was hanging out with one of my friends, listening to music. She was looking through my iPod and came across my Owl City album, selecting "Fireflies" from the song list. This once again piqued my interest into this electronica-esque style of music. One of the reasons I love Owl City is because of his use of lyrics. The way he expresses everything by using a lot of personification, analogies, similes and various colorful descriptions to create a vivid image in your head of what exactly is happening. For example, in the intro verse in "Vanilla Twilight," it states "the stars lean down to kiss you," clearly showing one of their uses of personification by giving the stars the human-like traits. Another example is in the song "Hello Seattle" and how he says he is all these different things to describe all these different perspectives of view. Not only does it paint a picture in your head, but the way he words things you can almost feel what he feels. If he feels sad and that he misses someone, like in the case of "Vanilla Twilight," you can easily understand how he feels and the intensity in which he misses this girl. This gives his songs a sense of being able to relate to what he's singing, something I look for in a lot of the lyrics of the songs I listen to.
WC: 309

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